Fuse desafía a MTV

Hay gente que ha crecido con MTV, otros no tanto pero igual son adictos, yo solía ser fanático de este canal allá por los 80´s, cuando por supuesto en Lima no había cable masivo y uno sólo veía MTV a través de terceros, vale decir, los video clips tomados de MTV que pasaban algunos programas locales de señal abierta y los amigos que viajaban y traían betas y VHS´s grabados con la programación de dicho canal. Bueno, ya alguna otra vez hablé de MTV, ahora leo que Fuse es un nuevo canal decidido a quitarle el trono … habrá que ver. Pero por lo que leo, Fuse no se diferencia radicalmente de MTV, y con el poder y recursos que este canal detenta, pues no la van a tener fácil. Y nuevamente la noticia, via NYT.

Fuse, which began telecasting in May 2003, is owned by Cablevision, and for subscribers to the competing Time Warner Cable in Manhattan it is tucked away among the triple digits at 132. Cablevision has made it a basic cable channel, however, for about 40 million homes, and in after-school hours it claims to have more viewers than MTV. But in terms of programming, its more immediate rival is MTV’s mostly music subsidiary, MTV2, which has all the advantages of MTV’s library, its budget and the parent station’s clout, including exclusive rights to the newest video clips. Compare the channels’ real estate: MTV revels in a commanding position overlooking the bustle of Times Square, while Fuse has a ground-floor studio across from the decidedly less glamorous Penn Station and Madison Square Garden. In the morning hours until 11 a.m., Fuse simply runs infomercials. On every front, Fuse is an underdog, which is almost reason enough to root for it. … Unfortunately, Fuse doesn’t exactly reinvent music television. It is after the same teenage audience that MTV targets, and it doesn’t have a new strategy to reach that audience.

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